Turns out we are doing pretty good

As a parent you worry, what kind of kid am I raising? Is he a good person, useful member of society, well adjusted, etc.? Or at least I know that we think about those things.

Well yesterday demonstrated for me that we have done a pretty damn good job with our oldest so far. In the morning I dragged him out of bed for our weekly run (that we have not done in quite a while, but who’s counting?) Well not only did he finish well ahead of me, he completed the entire 5K course without stopping, not sure of the exact time but I imagine it was decent. This after not having done any running at all for several months. And we were beginning to get a little worried since he has been complaining about having to walk to the Magic store, when it is only 7 blocks away. Turns out that he is just fine as far as that is concerned.Still geing to keep him running so he can be ready for wrestling season, but he is already in more than decent shape.

Then, as we were driving to Denver all he could talk about was Magic, and his game that he was playing. Proving that he is well and thoroughly indoctrinated in that world of geekiness. And he was very enthused when I gave him the basics of D&D without actually starting an adventure, really ready for me to get that started. So in terms of mental acuity and ‘geeky’ pursuits he is doing well. He knows what he loves and is not afraid to show it and play.

Last, the reason we were going to Denver was to take him to my cousins house so he could spend the night and then go play Airsoft with his 2 14 year old cousins (my cousins kid, and another cousins kid, technically they are Jimmy’s Second cousins.) Which means that he was going to participate in a pretty physical activity, with kids he doesn’t know all that well, in a very competitive situation, and just dived in. Which means that he doesn’t lack for self confidence and have many problem getting along with other kids.

All told we have a very well rounded, confident, smart kid. And as a parent there just isn’t much more that you could hope for. As I told Kim on that car ride, we done good.

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